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Owner: EyeVisionNet
Center members: 17
The EyeVisionNet Provider Center provides detailed instructions and updated materials for Providers within the EyeVisionNet Network. All Providers in the Network should register and request access to this Center, and regularly review the materials in this Center.
EyeVisionNet, operates a network of Eye and Vision Care professionals including Optometric Physicians, Ophthalmologists, Opticians and other Industry participants. The Network provides these professionals with corporate, infrastructural, management and investment support for their practices, and enhanced quality of clinical and administrative care for their patients and clientele.
Provider Registration
After registering on NMEX Providers should fully complete their Profile and request membership in the EyeVisionNet Provider Center to access further details and instructions on using EyeVisonNet and NMEX support processes.
The National Eye Voucher System (NEVS)
EyeVisionNet operates the National Eye Voucher System (NEVS). NEVS is one of the cornerstones of the EyeVisionNet marketing program for provider practice growth and development, and for patient support and maintenance. See more at National Eye Voucher System (NEVS).
Notice to Patients using Health Voucher Benefits
Patients who have received Vouchers from their practitioners should register on NMEX and complete their profile in order to receive the full benefit of using the Voucher within the entire network of Providers. While non-registrants will still be able to use their vouchers with their personal provider, access to other products and services within the Network is restricted to NMEX registrants only.
Patients can access Vouchers from their Provider by visiting the Voucher Menu item on the Provider's NMEX Site, or the main menu Voucher listing, or the EyeVisionNet Center menu Voucher listing. They can also use the Search function to access a particular Provider's Voucher(s).
Benefits available through the Vouchers will change from time to time therefore holders of Vouchers should review Voucher benefits online on a regular basis.
Practice Management & Marketing
EyeVisionNet provides several important ways for network provider members to manage and market their practices. EyeVisionNet utilizes sophisticated Internet and Affiliate marketing processes to drive clientele to member providers and their practices. These generic and specific referrals are generated for specific geographic areas by EyeVisionNet's unique proprietary marketing systems, without active participation, and at no cost to providers.
Providers will also be able to utilize their Internet Marketing Automation Platform (IMAP) interactive website which they automatically receive when they register as a member of EyeVisionNet on the National Market Exchange (NMEX). These IMAP sites are primed for sophisticated Interactive Marketing Automation utilizing specialized Internet and Affiliate Marketing processes.
Providers can link their primary or secondary websites to their IMAP site on NMEX in order to benefit from the Exchange based traffic and marketing automation facilities of the IMAP site. They may also utilize their IMAP site as their primary website if they do not have a primary website. See more at Practice Management & Marketing.
Medical Billing & Vision Plan Management
EyeVisionNet provides provider members with assistance in the management of their medical Billing and Vision Plan management needs.
Telemedicine Consultation & Referral System (TCRS)
The EyeVisionNet Telemedicine Consultation & Referral System provides provider members with a special system for the presentation of cases for review and consultation by experts in various areas of patient care. TCRS also facilitates referrals between providers so that a team of providers can co-manage complex cases utilizing their various expertise, thus providing EyeVisionNet patient members with the best care possible. See more at the Telemedicine Consultation & Referral Center.
Industry Partnership Program (IPP)
Provider members can participate in the EyeVisionNet Industry Partnership Program (IPP) which provides providers the opportunity to be involved with clinical trials, research, development and marketing of innovative products and services.
Investment Research & Management
EyeVisionNet also operates PROINVEST a special Investment, market research, and reporting program in conjunction with NMEX, The Hannaian Investment Group, and The Hannaian Research Institute. PROINVEST focuses on Medical and Eye/Vision Care Technology Transfer. PROINVEST affords EyeVisionNet practitioners an inside view and reports on Investment opportunities related to Medical and Eye Care Related Research and Technology Transfer emanating out of University and Industry research centers and efforts. This service provides important practice management and monetization support EyeVisionNet providers. See more at the Hannaian TraderLine.
This centerhas a closed membership.
NMEX Services & Projects
NMEX Business Client Services
NMEX Subscription Services
Information Technology Management
Online Marketing Management
NMEX Media Network
NMEX Featured Showcase
Entertainer & Artist Showcase (NEAS)
Amateur Athlete Showcase (NAAS)
Contracting & Joint Venture System (JVPMS)
NMEX UserPoint System (NUPS)