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National Market Report

The National Market Report (NMR) details current issues involving emerging businesses, investments, and global markets, and their impact on Wall Street, other world financial centers, global business and capital markets.

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The Real Origins of Racism

  • Public
By National Market Report 1498 days ago

Categories: Social & Religious Empowerment

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Look closely at the picture in the center of the image above. If you see a white person holding a chained black man in one hand and a sword in the other, while one foot is firmly ensconced on the black man's neck, uncomfortably reminiscent of the George Floyd saga, then you are seeing with great clarity.

At first you may believe that what you are seeing is some type of photo-shopped racist, disgusting, nasty, untoward joke produced by any of the many white supremacists that seem to be so prevalent today. However, what you are really looking at is the emblem of the most prestigious award of honour provided by Great Britain to its citizens, and its colonized subjects throughout the British Empire and Commonwealth of Nations.

In other words, when the greatest award of honour in the British System is bestowed by the Monarchy and Leaders of Britain it is evidenced by this horrific image on the physical facade of the award.

It is the 'Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George', the famed British Order of of Chivalry and Knighthood founded in 1818 by the Prince Regent, later King George IV, to commemorate the British protectorate over the Ionian islands (now in Greece) and Malta, which came under British rule in 1814.

If you want to help solve Racism read about how to be an AntiRacist

It is named in honour of two military saintsSt Michael and St George. The Order consists of  three classes: Knight Grand Cross (GCMG), Knight Commander (KCMG), and Companion (CMG).  The Order's motto is Auspicium Amelioris Aevi ('Token of a Better Age'). The Order features a depiction of the archangel St. Michael holding a flaming sword and trampling upon Satan.

The Order of St. Michael and St. George was originally awarded to those holding commands or high position in the Mediterranean territories acquired in the Napoleonic Wars, and was subsequently extended to holders of similar office or position in other territories of the British Empire. It is currently awarded to men and women who hold high office or who render extraordinary or important non-military service in a foreign country, and can also be conferred for important or loyal service in relation to foreign and Commonwealth affairs.

It is usually explained as a depiction of the Archangel St. Michael subjugating and trampling Satan, thus befitting the highest honour attainable for meritorious service to the British Empire. There are various versions of the insignia with Archangel St. Michael stomping on Satan's neck, but in all of them the image is of a white person adorned with a weapon, and his foot firmly on the neck of an enchained black person.

Based on British History and its Empire building and colonization activities in many territories inhabited by People of Colour it is easy to see why Britain would have adopted such symbolism for its most honoured award. The colonized peoples of many territories and countries have often complained and even rebelled against abhorrent British treatment. There is no mistaking the fact that such symbolism would be highly representative of British actions subjugating Africans in the Slave Trade.

This is the KCMG medal, The highest order given traditionally to diplomats and overseas personnel in the New Year's Royal Honours List. Looking into this imagery, its meaning and history it is easy to understand why many feel that the United Kingdom is the birthplace of modern Racism based on Colour, and a Country whose worldwide prominence was essentially built on Racism. It is obvious that until such imagery and traditions are overhauled, nothing will really change despite claims to want to do better.

White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism

Now that the population of Britain is becoming more diversified, it will increasingly face the racial uprising the United States has experienced for decades. People of Colour in Great Britain can learn from their brothers and sisters of Colour in the United States in the fight for Justice and Equality. The early presence, prominence, and large numbers of Black citizens in the United States have allowed them to more easily commandeer the opportunities, rights, and privileges needed to boldly speak out on racism and demand changes.

The sad fact is that many Black citizens of the British Commonwealth of Nations have accepted such awards and proudly display them as badges of honour and symbols of their accomplishment and acceptance by the Monarch and leaders of the British Empire. It is noteworthy however, that over the years many people have declined to accept various British Awards for one reason or the other, although not many have openly expressed that they have done so explicitly because of such blatant racist imagery.

There are a few facts which are undisputed to the vast majority of objective people, Black or White. The origins of Racism based on colour, particularly from a white versus black perspective, began primarily with White Europeans enslaving Black Africans for economic gain. The evolution of modern Racial Discrimination globally is rooted in this history. Symbolism honoring such Racism should not be allowed to continue.

It is now long past the time for such imagery to be removed from these awards, and particularly so in these times of mounting racial sensitivity around the World. There should be a clarion call among all well meaning Black and White people to encourage the British government to stop the practice of using such offensive imagery in their awards.

Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America

Written by;

Harlington L. Hanna Jr.
National Market Exchange (NMEX)
National Market Report (NMR)

June 19, 2020

National Market Report

National Market Report

The National Market Report (NMR) details current issues involving emerging businesses, investments, and global markets, and their impact on Wall Street, other world financial centers, global business and capital markets.

The National Market Report (NMR), is hosted by Intellectual Property and Securities Attorney Harlington L. Hanna Jr., founder of the Law Firm Hannaian Law Associates  (http://hannaianlaw.com. He is...


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