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National Market Report

The National Market Report (NMR) details current issues involving emerging businesses, investments, and global markets, and their impact on Wall Street, other world financial centers, global business and capital markets.

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NMR Report - A Capital Market Driven Economy (CMDE) for Black & Brown America - An Update

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By National Market Report 1505 days ago

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NMR Report - A Capital Market Driven Economy (CMDE) for Black America - An UpdateNMEX Aministration

NMR Report - Capital Market Driven Black America - Updated

The original Article reprinted below is one of several which I wrote in a series that included my proposals, blueprints, and the original treatises on establishing 'Hannaian Economic Development Investment Councils (HEDICs)', and 'Hannaian Asset Development Investment Groups (HADIGs)'. These HEDICs and HADIGs are important elements in the establishment of a Capital Market Driven Economy (CMDE) for Black & Brown America.

Recent momentous developments beginning with the election of President Donald Trump, the COVID Pandemic, and the enormous uprising and reaction to the killing of George Floyd, has placed a new emphasis on the need to develop a Capital Market Driven Economy (CMDE) for Black & Brown America.

No longer are well meaning Black and White Americans and most of the world questioning the existence of institutional and systemic racism, and its massively detrimental affects. No longer are we causing more damage from the delay while seeking more dialogue on diagnosing the problem, whether it really exists, and continually suggesting that the problem be further studied. The days of continuous diagnosing are now over, treatment is now needed.

Martin Luther King's famous quote from the March on Washington is instructive: “We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there "is" such a thing as being too late. This is no time for apathy or complacency. This is a time for vigorous and positive action"

The only question to be posed now is what can and will be done to bring about equal justice and reparations to Black & Brown America, and by extension, to all Black & Brown people the world over.

As I have written about in previous articles there is another issue which we will have to deal with shortly. Considering the problem Blacks and Browns have with Criminal Justice in America and around the World, imagine what is happening with regards to equal justice in the Civil Justice arena.

As a black lawyer who has followed this issue in detail, I can report that the situation in America for equal Civil Justice is far worse for Black and Brown people than is their Criminal Justice dilemma. A question to any experienced Lawyer in America about their thoughts on successfully bringing Civil Lawsuits based on the Constitutional protections of the Equal Protection Clause, and its Federal and State Statutory causes of action, and you will understand the current dilemma.

It has now been established that the Government and the powers that be can violently take away your life on the streets, and strip away your physical freedom through excessive sentencing in the Courts. However, imagine what is happening in the Civil Justice System where there is no one watching, and there are no cell phone cameras to record and detail the discriminatory Civil actions of the State. The advent of the ubiquitous cell phone has had at least one important and welcomed outcome through its ability to record otherwise unseen Police brutality and criminal injustice.

My previous article on the Civil Justice System for Minorities in America covers the issue in more detail and can be viewed in an earlier National Market Report.

In the Civil Justice System the effects of unequal protection of the law are devastating. Without the watch dogs that are now available for Criminal Justice violations, Blacks and Browns have very little recourse for immediate resolution of their Civil Justice violations, particularly with an increasingly conservative Judicial System. We now need something akin to the exposure provided by the lights and sounds of cell phone cameras and microphones to be turned on and aimed in this direction.

This is why it has become so important for the development of a Capital Market Driven Economy (CMDE) to be developed for Black & Brown America, an indeed for small Black & Brown Developing Nations of the World. In the United States, as in many of the Black & Brown Nations of the World, the ever increasing Wealth Divide is alarming, particularly considering the increasing Spending Power of Black & Brown populations. For example, the Spending power of Black America is larger than the economy of Canada, and of Australia, and the Spending power of Brown America is even larger.

With this prodigious amount of Spending Power Black & Brown America's presence on Wall Street should be expanding, particularity in the era of 'Corporatism' and 'Corporatization', my newly defined terminology for the increasing control and influence of Multinational Capital Market organized and capitalized corporations. This 'Corporatism' and 'Corporatization' of the American and World Economy, is rapidly reducing the number of small businesses, replacing them primarily with oligarchical multinational corporations. In other words, as Wall Street continues to grow more and more influential, Black & Brown participation on Wall Street and in significant wealth building is essentially in decline.

A review of the powers on Wall Street will reveal that there are fewer than a dozen Black owned corporations on Wall Street. If my evaluation of this is inaccurate I would love to be corrected. In any event, the presence of Black & Brown owned companies on Wall Street is negligible at best.

As my previous article below details, the need for the development of Black & Brown businesses to become Corporatized and functional on Wall Street, and on other major Capital Markets around the world, will be essential to the ultimate resolution of the problems of Institutional and Systemic Racism.

Without the economic equality which a freedom fighter called Martin Luther King was fighting for when he was assassinated, Black, Brown, and Poor people will never achieve equal justice. In the words of another freedom fighter Attorney Benjamin Crump, our fight for full and equal Justice, will essentially be a fight only for a 'chance' at equal justice, if economic equality is not fully achieved.

When Martin Luther King changed his strategy in an attempt to bring about Equal Civil Justice with his 'Poor People's Campaign', designed to alleviate poverty for all people through Economic Justice and Equality, he recognized that reform of the Civil Justice System was the paramount issue to resolve.

King strategically planned the March of Caravans to Washington and the encampment of Resurrection City on the Capital Mall, with the historic Mule Train Caravan from the town of Marks Mississippi as its crowning and symbolic event. This started the modern revolution for Civil and Economic Justice in America, which the George Floyd Movement, and the renewed Poor People's Campaign led by Reverend William Barber II and others must continue.

As detailed below, developing a Capital Market Driven Economy (CMDE) for Black & Brown America, and for those likewise disadvantaged around the World, is the only real hope for full Economic Equality, and consequently, full Criminal and Civil Justice.

The Need for a Capital Market Driven Economy (CMDE) for Black & Brown America

A Blueprint for Establishing a Capital Market Driven Economy (CMDE) for Black & Brown America

Capital Markets are necessary in the modern world in order to fund and capitalize the Economies of Countries and Communities. Organized Capital markets allow millions of small retail investors, large investors, and various funds to invest in the development and growth of businesses either through private placements or publicly traded securities. In the 20th century there has been a significant turn to large businesses becoming capitalized using the massive amounts of money floating through the capital markets, and particularly through major publicly traded stock exchanges of the modern industrialized world.

This movement has ‘Corporatized’ and produced a culture of ‘Corporatism’ in the Economy of the United States and most Industrialized Countries of the World. The movement has also produced an oligarchic environment where large multinational corporations have insistently caused the reduction and success of small businesses. This displacement of small businesses drastically affects Black & Brown owned businesses who already had an extremely small, if not negligible footprint on Wall Street.

A Blueprint for establishing a Capital Market Driven Economy for Black & Brown America (CMDE), and Black & Brown Nations and Communities worldwide would include: 

  1. Creating the knowledge and culture of Investing in Capital Markets in the Black & Brown Communities of America through increased education and training in High Schools and Historically Black & Brown Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
  2. Establishment of Investment Clubs and Organizations in Black & Brown communities, similar to the Hannaian Investment & Publishing Group (HIPG). HIPG focuses on developing the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the fundamentals of Self Directed & Controlled Investing (SDCI) in publicly traded companies, and consequently understanding Capital Market Development and the behavior of Wall Street Entities, Publicly Traded Companies, ‘Corporatism’, and ‘Corporatization’. An important concept for Black & Brown Investors in the publicly traded capital markets is that extraneous impediments like racism do not have as much deterrent effects. Once a company goes public, anyone Black or White, can buy as many shares as their pocket can handle. In other words, Black & Brown investors can buy as many shares of the greatest companies in the World as they would like, so long as they are publicly traded. Racial discrimination cannot prevent this partial ownership, and the resultant ownership rights which holding common shares in any company provides.
  3. Black & Brown Community Development Agencies, Entrepreneurs, Businessmen and women utilizing the Community Economic Development principles described in 'Hannaian Economic Development Investment Councils (HEDICs)',
  4. Black & Brown Organizations utilizing the principles described in  'Hannaian Asset Development Investment Groups (HADIGs)'.
  5. Encouraging the ownership of Intellectual Properties, the continued development of Academic Technology Transfer, and International Technology Transfer by Black & Brown researchers and creators of the Intellectual Properties that serve as the engine of modern business and corporatism. The exploitation of the prodigious royalties and export income into the United States related to the Intellectual Property associated with Black Music is a great example.
  6. Encouraging the spread and utilization of Capital Market Development strategies by Black & Brown communities globally. Inducing mutual collaboration and investment between these business communities globally, thus enhancing the international opportunities and investments for such business operations. Minority Communities within the United States and Developing Black & Brown Nations can build Capital Market Driven Economies by using Capital Market Funding processes geared to own, operate, or support the development of "Export Income Companies (EICs)". EICs are essential for the production of products & services designed to bring externally generated income into communities, and simultaneously provide indigenous ownership utilizing investment funding and promotions from a large base of of external, community, retail, and institutional investors.
  7. Assisting Developing Black & Brown Nations in their efforts to establish the necessary legislative framework, International Capital Market Processes, Educational and other expertise necessary for building an effective Capital Market Driven Economy.

The concept of a Capital Market Driven Economy (CMDE) for Black America and Developing Black & Brown Nations was developed by the Hannaian Investment & Publishing Group (HIPG), the Hannaian Research Institute (HRI), and the National Market Exchange (NMEX). CMDE for Black America is a proposed pilot project utilizing the expertise and capabilities of HIPG, HRI and NMEX and the Business and Black Studies Programs at various Colleges and Universities.

By various estimates the Spending Power of Black America is equal to the 10th largest economy in the World, by comparison larger than that of Canada and Australia. Yet the number of Wall Street Friendly and Globally Scalable (WFGS) Black owned and controlled companies is negligible and have not significantly increased within recent decades.

Most of the revenues produced by Black business in America are derived from Mom and Pop business operations and professional practices, with only negligible revenues generated from Black Owned Wall Street Friendly and Globally Scalable (WFGS) enterprises. WFGS companies are important because they are the type of business and corporate entities that exercise control over the U.S. and other major World economies.

Attributes of a Wall Street Friendly Globally Scalable (WFGS) Company 
-WFGS capable company & operational structure
-Public Company Status and Exchange Traded Shares
-Significant Intellectual Property (IP) holdings Involved in Technology Transfer
-WFGS capable Executive Administration
-State of the Art Information Technology Management
-State of the Art Internet Marketing Management
-State of the Art Public Relations Management
-Connections to Wall Street funding
-Media Connections to International Trade markets and organizations
-Strong Government Contracting capacity
-Strong Joint Venture and M&A capabilities
-Strong Investment capabilities and practices

Historically, Black America through its production of Music and Literary based Intellectual Properties has provided a significant base of domestic and export revenues within the United States. Ownership and control of valuable Intellectual Property has been identified by experts as one of the most important engines of successful WFGS companies. Unfortunately much of this revenue, like those derived from often converted Black produced technology based innovation, has not directly benefited the African American community.

This situation has not only resulted in less Black & Brown economic control of community assets and resources, but has caused commensurate decreases in civil justice and criminal justice for members of the African American community.

The general CMDE for Black America project is designed to harness the potential of the Spending Power of Black America, and its capacity to acquire, produce, and commercialize valuable Intellectual Property.

The CMDE for Black America pilot project is one step and approach to investigating and providing potential solutions to the problem through a Business or Black Studies program at a major U.S. University. The concept suggests that an increase in the number of African Americans trained and experienced in capital market development and strategies, and in Intellectual Property commercialization will result in more Black controlled, Wall Street Friendly and Globally Scalable (WFGS) companies. This training and experience supported by the prodigious Spending Power of the Community, will produce more ownership and control of the engines needed for economic parity, and for improved civil and criminal justice for African Americans.

The General Goal of the Project is to utilize the spending power of Black America to produce Wall Street Friendly, Globally Scalable (WFGS) Companies, and develop a Capital Market Driven Economy (CMDE) for Black Communities which will afford commensurate financial control and ownership of the economic engines within the community.

Specific Objectives include: 1.  Production of a cadre of WFGS capable Executive Managers and Administrators. 2.  Production of a cadre of Corporate Managers and Administrators knowledgeable in investments, M&A, and capital market processes. 3.  Production of a cadre of Corporate Managers and Administrators knowledgeable in Industrial, International , and Academic Technology Transfer, and Intellectual Property Commercialization. 4.  Production of a cadre of Corporate Managers and Administrators knowledgeable in state of the art Internet Marketing processes. 5.  Production of a cadre of Market Makers in Business Development. 6.  Provision of a Platform and access to Executive Administration, WFGS Corporate Support, and Expertise for Minority Owned Businesses seeking to attain WFGS status. 7.  The research to establish, and define the requisite elements required to make and maintain a WFGS company.

General Methodology:
U.S., and Internationally based companies with aspirations of becoming or maintaining WFGS status, and who utilize the services of  HIPG, HRI and NMEX, will be available for evaluation and interaction with Students within the Program. The Program will establish guidelines for the interaction of their students and faculty with these companies, and with HIPG, HRI and NMEX. The University will also establish minimum requirements for participation and research, in order for students to attain formal certification upon completion of their participation in the program.

CMDE Venture Partners 
The Hannaian Investment & Publishing Group (HIPG). HIPG is unique in its history, purpose, and function in the United States. The Group and its members do not pool or otherwise utilize collective funds to invest as a group, nor does HIPG recommend or require Members to invest in any particular investments. The Group's philosophy is to encourage Self Directed and Controlled Investing (SDCI) on an individual basis, it does not operate as an Investment Fund. The Members serve primarily as researchers of potentially profitable investments which they share with other Members. They share the information by publishing their research in various proprietary online publishing outlets specially designed for use by the Members. Members can then utilize the published research to further their individual investment efforts, goals, and objectives. See more at http://investorgenes.com.

The Hannaian Research Institute (HRI) is a Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Commercialization Company. HRI  is a subsidiary of Hannaian U.S.A. Corp, a Florida chartered corporation. The C.E.O. of HRI is Helen A. Bartlett Hanna, a graduate of the School of Speech Pathology & Audiology of the University of Memphis, and the Cecil C. Humphrey’s School of Law of the University of Memphis. See more at www.hannaian.com.hri.

The National Market Exchange (NMEX) is a Business Development Exchange designed to provide a national and international market platform for business transactions and related opportunities. NMEX also provides business and enterprise infrastructural support to assist International Companies, and Minority Owned Businesses in successfully developing Wall Street friendly and scalable corporate operations. An important NMEX feature is its Global Trading & Investment Hub and its focus on utilizing trading, investing, and M&A processes in business development. NMEX Business Client Services support operational activities such as entity structuring, management, marketing, advertising, clearing house and investment banking for enterprises seeking and maintaining public company status.  NMEX is a Florida chartered corporation. The C.E.O. of NMEX is Harlington L. Hanna Jr., an Intellectual Property & Securities lawyer, and graduate of the Cecil C. Humphrey’s School of Law of the University of Memphis. See more at www.nationalmex.com.

National Market Report

National Market Report

The National Market Report (NMR) details current issues involving emerging businesses, investments, and global markets, and their impact on Wall Street, other world financial centers, global business and capital markets.

The National Market Report (NMR), is hosted by Intellectual Property and Securities Attorney Harlington L. Hanna Jr., founder of the Law Firm Hannaian Law Associates  (http://hannaianlaw.com. He is...


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