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National Market Report

The National Market Report (NMR) details current issues involving emerging businesses, investments, and global markets, and their impact on Wall Street, other world financial centers, global business and capital markets.

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Why are you not using the World's Greatest Wealth Building Tool?

  • Public
By National Market Report 1418 days ago

Categories: Education Research & Innovation, Finance & Investments, Social & Religious Empowerment

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Why are you not using the World's Greatest Wealth Building Tool?

Most people want to be rich and make a lot of money, and many of them even have some idea of how they think they can do it. However, lots of Studies have shown that most will never achieve their goal of being financially wealthy. Financial Wealth in a Capitalism Driven World is reserved for a rare few, and this will undoubtedly always be the case considering the many factors involved, not the least important being the lack of assiduousness that most of us practice. Those that do not inherit great wealth, or are not paid millions of dollars for their extraordinary, super talents, must then have a way to invest what they do have to gain true financial wealth. 

No job, occupation, or profession other than being a Star Athlete, Entertainer, or Movie Star will ever make the typical worker the millions of dollars a year that will put them in the truly wealthy class. Studies also show that more than 90% of startup businesses fail within a couple years of startup, and most people with business ideas never even start a business. The odds against becoming financially wealthy are enormous.

There is one business however that has a better percentage than others at potentially producing Generational Wealth. Becoming a Self Directed & Controlled Investor and Trader in the Publicly Traded Capital Markets, i.e. The Stock Markets. Self Directed & Controlled Investing and Trading is one of the few vocations that has the potential of producing the kind of wealth that eventually makes a difference. Even then, most will be unsuccessful, due to the failure to operate as a business, and engage in the assiduous efforts necessary to be competitive against experienced Investors and Traders.

Playing in the Money Game

Most experts in financial affairs contend that the most powerful way to become truly wealthy is to be connected to Wall Street and other world financial and capital markets as an investor, trader, or executive of a successful publicly traded company. This is evidenced empirically by simply studying a listing of the richest individuals in the U.S. and the world.

The modern trend of "Corporatism and Corporatization" previously identified in an earlier article, has demolished small business operations in favor of Capital Market funded large corporations controlling the World Economy. Small businesses, Entrepreneurs, and Investors now need to find ways to participate in these Wall Street wealth controlling activities.

The first step in this journey for most is becoming knowledgeable and active as an investor by understanding the workings of your 401(K)s, IRAs and other retirement accounts invested in the Capital Markets. Even more important is to gain a thorough understanding of Wall Street and Corporate Behavior, and operate as a Self Directed & Controlled Investor (SDCI), utilizing Online Discount Brokerage Services to conduct Self Directed & Controlled Investing. Investors and Traders who make a business of this practice make money and simultaneously learn the financial and corporate processes, strategies, and behaviors which are essential to building wealth and growing Wall Street Friendly and Globally Scalable (WFGS) businesses.

In other words, to really make big money a person must play in the game where money is the instrument, where money makes money. Playing in the right ball game is always the best way to be successful in any field of endeavor. Truly successful ballplayers must eventually play, or try to play, in the Major Leagues.

For most people, playing in the Stock Markets means becoming a Retail Investor and Trader. This is where investors need to start out and learn the insides and behavior of Wall Street and the Capital Markets. Some may even have the opportunity to benefit from Wall Street and Capital Market activity like Mergers & Acquisitions, Investment Banking, and Operating or Directing companies which are fueled by the Private Capital Markets and Publicly Traded Stock Markets. If so, they are even more fortunate than the typical Retail Investor.

Investing Knowledge & Experience

There are many Stock and Securities Investment and Trading Systems where Retail Investors can become successful. Basic Stocks, Funds, & Bond Investing, Options Trading, Forex & Currency Trading, Commodities Trading, and others. All offer excellent opportunities to become wealthy if you study and invest the time in learning the particular Investing & Trading System.

Generally, Stock Market investing allows you to buy as much ownership as you can afford, of the best companies and businesses in the World, without any restrictions. It is the most reliable way of Building Generational Wealth, used in one way or the other by the richest people in the World to build their wealth. In other words, people who want to be truly financially wealthy and are not an investor, trader, or capital market supported business, playing in the game where money makes money (the Major Capital & Stock Markets), then they are playing in the wrong ball game.

An important element of Investing is that no one has enough money to invest in all of the investment opportunities available at any point in time. In the large publicly traded capital markets of the world there are excellent investment and trading opportunities always available. Investors therefore, must make a choice of where to put their money to get the best Return on Investment (ROI) for any period of time. In other words, money cannot be working or invested in more than one place or opportunity at a time. It is the job of the investor to find the best place for investable money at any point in time. It may mean changing the investment when they see a better opportunity.

This is where the Liquidity of an Investment becomes important. The liquidity of an investment dictates how easy is it to get in and out of it, or change the investment and pull money out of it for whatever reason. This is the great advantage of Stock Market investing in publicly traded securities with high trading volumes, rather than in private Investments. The volume of shares traded is the most important element of liquidity.

Your knowledge and experience, combined with that of your fellow investors who speak the same investing language, and utilize the same system of investing as you do, is a most important element of your Investing and Trading success. You want to become part of the "Smart Money" in the Investment marketplace.

Investment and Trading success will ultimately be determined by how well you are able to compete against other experienced Investors and Traders in the Marketplace.

Finding Investing Support

With the advent of Discount Brokerages, and Online Trading in the 1990's, Retail Investing and Trading opportunities significantly increased. This was one of the primary reasons new Investment Groups like The Hannaian Investment & Publishing  Group (HIPG) was established back in the mid 1990's. HIPG wanted to ensure that its Membership was provided the proper training for their Research, Publishing, and Investment activities, so that they would become "Smart Money" Investors and Traders. This Author and others were involved with founding HIPG specifically to afford small budget potential Investors and Traders opportunities to be educated, and to understand Wall Street and The Capital Markets. HIPG encourages any entrepreneur desiring to grow a business or project to become an investor or trader in the public capital markets.

HIPG is unique in its history, purpose, and function in the United States. The Group and its members do not pool or otherwise utilize collective funds to invest as a group, nor does HIPG recommend or require Members to invest in any particular investments. The Group's philosophy is to encourage Self Directed and Controlled Investing (SDCI) on an individual basis, it does not operate as an Investment Fund. The Members serve primarily as researchers of potentially profitable investments which they share with other Members. They share the information by publishing their research in various HIPG proprietary online publishing outlets specially designed for use by the Members. Members can then utilize the published research to further their individual investment efforts, goals, and objectives.

The value of this cooperative research and reporting by a large group of investors who have been well trained in the same unique and proprietary system of research, investing, trading, and reporting is ultimately immeasurable to the investing success of the individual Members.

The HIPG System requires members to understand the aspects of Fundamental Analysis Investing more so than Technical Analysis Investing. The HIPG system uses the Fundamental Analysis Investing approach where the fundamentals of a company are critically studied before buying in. Even in Fundamental Analysis Investing as is used by HIPG, some elements of Technical Analysis are utilized, particularly when viewing Stock Charts for the timing involved with buying in or selling out of trades.

Similar Systems to the one used by HIPG are available for smaller Retail Investors. Therefore, there should be no reason why anyone interested in becoming wealthy through use of the World's Greatest Wealth Building Tool should not be involved with the Stock & Capital Markets in one way or the other.

The Essential Steps to Building Wealth

Because it can be assumed that many people would like to be financially wealthy, it is amazing that more people are not jumping at the opportunity to play in the ball game that is most likely to make them wealthy. Many may be restrained by making one or more of the following assumptions about what is necessary for success in Investing and Trading in Publicly Traded Securities Markets.

  1. They are not aware of the Business of Investing and Trading.
  2. They do not understand the benefits of Self Directed & Controlled Investing.
  3. They believe they need a Full Service Broker to handle any Investments.
  4. They think it is too difficult to learn the necessary skills to be a successful Self Directed & Controlled Investor & Trader.
  5. They believe the competition in the marketplace is too great, and they will not be able to effectively compete.
  6. They believe they do not have enough money to invest, and do not realize there are systems of investing for even very small budgets.
  7. They are not willing to put in the time, energy and effort to assiduously learn and operate a business of Stock Market Investing and Trading.

Those who truly desire to be financially wealthy in the Modern World Economy should realize that for most it is only a good dream. To make it happen, facts demonstrate they should seriously investigate the benefits of Self Directed & Controlled Investing & Trading to create and build Generational Wealth, using the World's Greatest Wealth Building Tool, the Major Stock and Capital Markets of the World.

The following is a Reprint. It deals with the subject market discussed above and the somewhat widespread belief by some that Stock Market Investing and Trading is the same as gambling. The Article can be seen in its original publication at:


A Game Where the Odds Are Always in Your Favor

By Jody Chudley,  Jody Chudley Tuesday, March 9, 2021, Wealthy Retirement

One of my dad’s biggest sacrifices during the pandemic has been not going to the casino. He loves those trips. He even has a separate bank account that he keeps his “casino money” in. He automatically deposits a small portion of his pension into his casino account every month. He pulls money out of that account when he goes to the casino, and anything he wins gets deposited back into the account after he has visited.

A couple of months ago, he mentioned to me that since COVID-19 hit, the balance in his casino account keeps going up. It seems that not going to the casino is actually a positive thing for his bank balance!

What floored me is that, somehow, he seemed surprised by that fact…

As you may know, every single game is structured so that the casino has an edge. In blackjack, ties go to the house. In roulette, there is an extra space that puts the odds in favor of the casino. In slots, every single game ultimately results in the casino winning over time.

I’ve politely tried to explain to my dad that it is a mathematical certainty that, over time, he will lose money at the casino. His response has always been the same. He tells me that a trip to the casino is exactly like putting money into the stock market.

But he is wrong…

In the Stock Market, We Are the House. Stay at the casino long enough, and you are certain to lose.

The stock market is exactly the opposite. The more time we spend in the market, the more likely we are to win. Historical data makes that clear. The investment firm Dimensional Fund Advisors studied stock market performance from 1926 to 2020. The study looked at the odds of an investor having either positive or negative returns based on how long they were invested in the S&P 500.

The results are conclusive…

S&P 500: 1926-2020 width=The longer you are invested, the greater your chances of success.

Anyone in the market for the long term over the course of this study had virtually no chance of losing money.

Even daily, the stock market odds are in your favor.

I should also point out that to lose money over five- or 10-year periods, you would’ve had to have incredibly bad timing.

You would have needed to invest in the S&P 500 only at the worst possible times, like the 1929 peak or the 2000 top of the dot-com bubble.

Success, meanwhile, requires only a few things:

Diversifying, or getting wide exposure to great companies in different industries
Not being greedy or going all-in at market peaks
Not getting scared at market bottoms like the one last spring or cashing out at the worst possible moment
Being patient and letting time in the market do all the hard work for you.

When having a moment of doubt, like many of us did last spring, I like to look at the chart of the S&P 500 going back more than 100 years.

All that chart does is keep climbing up and up. Over that long period, even terrible crashes look like blips on the radar.

Investing in the stock market isn’t gambling. The game is rigged in our favor.


National Market Report

National Market Report

The National Market Report (NMR) details current issues involving emerging businesses, investments, and global markets, and their impact on Wall Street, other world financial centers, global business and capital markets.

The National Market Report (NMR), is hosted by Intellectual Property and Securities Attorney Harlington L. Hanna Jr., founder of the Law Firm Hannaian Law Associates  (http://hannaianlaw.com. He is...


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