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Hannaian Eye Associates

Dr. Harlington L. Hanna Jr., O.D., M.Ed., J.D., (772) 793-4494 Wellington, (772) 692-4020 Jensen Beach, (772) 286-1090, Stuart - office@eyecarevisiongroup.com. For emergency care dial (772) 985-9121.

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Pediatric Eye & Vision Care

  • Public
By Hannaian Eye Associates 3440 days ago

Categories: Education Research & Innovation, Health Care BioMed Technology & Research, Professional Services

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Pediatric Eye Care

Due to the extensive reach of pediatric eye and vision care special training is necessary to adequately diagnose and treat the anomalies of pediatric eye and visual function. The following list details some of the more common categories of anomalies in pediatric eye & vision care.

Primary Ocular Diseases
Systemic Ocular Diseases
Neuro-Ophthalmic Disorders
Refractive Disorders
Binocular Disorders
Accommodative Dysfunctions
Ocular Motility Disorders
Vision Development Anomalies
Psychogenic Visual Disturbances
Psychoperceptual Disorders
Vision Related Educational Dysfunctions

Neuro-Vision Evaluation in Pediatric Eye/Vision Care

A major problem with in pediatric eye care is the development of a child's visual system and the demands made upon it in the ever increasing competitive school environment. For a student to effectively compete in school and learning actvities their visual system should be in prime functional condition. This generally means that visual functions beyond the basic evaluation for clinical eye disease, and visual acuity must be evaluated.

Generally in a basic eye examination only eye disease and visual acuity is evaluated, and many children with other functional and school performance problems get a clean bill of ocular health and acuity but may still be visually deficient because they have not had all of the necessary elements of visual performance evaluated.

Many times classroom teachers will notice that school performance, reading difficulties, and deficient pycho-perceptual visual function persists in children who have supposedly had their eyes examined with given a clean report of Ocular-Vision function. Teachers are most important in detailing and recognizing such problems and should always be properly engaged in a Child's Ocular-Vision care if school performance is at question.

It is therefore most  important that school age children be properly and fully  evaluated. Parents should question the examining practitioner as to whether their examination specifically covers a detailed evaluation of the areas of Binocularity, Fusional and Accommodative disorders, and Pyscho-Perceptual Vision functions.

The in-depth evaluation of these functions will require additional evaluations beyond a general eye examination, and in our offices patients needing this type of evaluation are scheduled for a Neuro-Vision Evaluation

See more about pediatric eye vision care diagnosis & treatment, and School Performance Therapy.

About the Author - A former professor of pediatric eyecare and neuro-optometry, Dr. Hanna has been involved with clinical care and research in virtually all aspects of Pediatric Eye & Vision Care.

Hannaian Eye Associates

Hannaian Eye Associates

Dr. Harlington L. Hanna Jr., O.D., M.Ed., J.D., (772) 793-4494 Wellington, (772) 692-4020 Jensen Beach, (772) 286-1090, Stuart - office@eyecarevisiongroup.com. For emergency care dial (772) 985-9121.

Welcome to our office We are dedicated to providing the best eye and vision care to our patients in each of our office locations. In addition to many years in academia, our Founder, Dr. Harlington L....


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